Kegs 'N Cogs
A Dive Bar in the outside of Illdyshire
SFW, 18+, Immersive RP, AFK
(Open Evenings and Late Nights...mostly)
Sargatanas, Empyreum, Ward 26, Plot 16
01. Queerphobic, and Racist (Yes, even in-game racism) are extremely prohibited. I don't care that "it's my character/it's in-game already" motif. Not in my house, literally. This goes even more-so with the job/adventurer board hook. 02. Behave within reason. I do allow some rowdiness as it does happen in true Dive Bars but don't go completely overboard. There may be folks here on a first date (it's happened!). Be aware of folks around you who might not want to do the same. 03. No DJ promos/ads without Consent. We don't do DJs here, we never will. I personally will not put them up as sponsors either. I understand that this is a pretty hot take, but understand that this isn't out of malice but because it's been done one too many times here before. Now, I can give recommendations but no promoting without clearing by the Owner (Odsar Tuva) first. 04. Mod talk isn't for Say chat. Listen, I get that it's commonplace to talk about our "Switch Codes" or ask if we have "Wi-Fi" openly in venues for some. I'm not saying we don't have one, though you have to either find it here or send me a Tell for it. (In terms of immersion, check the blackboard!) 05. Don't you dare ERP on those Couches. I get it, the music is great, I'm way overpouring those drinks than I should be, it's a grand time! But please keep those pants on until you go! This goes for the firepit in the back too. That was a fun talk-
06. Try to keep it Light. We've all been to those bars where there's the one guy at the end who's telling this tragic tale and killing the vibe. Please don't be that guy! You can vent your woes to Odsar, but she's not your therapist either. 07. RP ain't for everyone. Sometimes folks come in who don't wanna RP and that's a-ok! Though, this goes for both sides, respect those who do or don't! This is a place for all! 08. Leave drama at the door. This kinda lumps into No. 6 as This should go without explaining, but sometimes it has to be said! Now, RP Drama that unfolds/starts in here is a-ok, just let me grab a spot and watch! Though anything outside our doors from Twitter drama, FC drama, outside of XIV sources, what have you isn't going to fly here. And please don't drag modding drama either, please Gods no. 09. Please be considerate. IF you're loading into, or thinking of loading into, our Sync please, please compress them. For the sake of folks's computers do this if you know you're gonna be a big load. Also, try to keep everything covered as much as you can, I don't care what you wear but if it gets close to something falling out, cover it up! Please I don't need that indecency charge- Sync: MSS-6XN8SX8GEQ31
Password: CruiseChussy11
"The Imperfect Legend" 30K
Well...we ALL can't be Perfect Legends.(Grade 1 Mind Alkahest)
Looking to add some risk to your night? Try our Gamba option and potentially join the Wall of Pain? Amusement? Your face will tell all! It's a wall of those who managed to drink this cocktail and survive, posed with their new Alexander Miniature! Now...what exactly is in this beast?
"The Imperfect Legend" is a cocktail that invites you to throw everything out of your stomach and out of the bar rags if you're not steady enough. Served on ice or straight, it's the only option you'll have once buying. However, what lies inside is an equal mix of the main liquors she has on her shelves:
.75 oz Whiskey
.75 oz Absinthe
.75 ozVodka
.75 oz Espresso Liqueur
.75 oz Drambuie
1ML of high-potency THC tincture (unflavored)
3 Rolls per person a night.
Winning rolls must be one of the following: 999, 777, 333
No more than 1 win a night, BP/Wins can be tracked!
1 miniature per person a night.
If you win, be prepared to strike your "best" pose!
Walkthrough:Order the drink! (and watch me fumble through setting everything up)Be prepared to type in say chat /random or /dice and watch for numbers 999, 777, 333 grace (or not grace) your screen!Didn't Win? That's alright, we all wipe in Prog! Just prepared to be very comfortable with the rest of your stay and on the way home. (Or however your wol/pc would be under the heavy influence!) We'll toss you some snacks throughout the night.Did Win? Congrats! If and When you can stand, make your way to the back wall to be photographed in your state with the title of "Imperfect Legend" for everyone to see! (It's cheaper than the weapons, too!)(For photo submissions feel free to send them to me to be posted here, wol/pc name left out unless asked!)
"There's a rumor to say that there's a dive bar that's cropped up near The Path of Knowing outside of Illyshire. Now, I'm not a big fan of rumors but there has to be something out there...right?"There truly is, and it's name is Kegs 'N Cogs and it's run by the leader of the Alexander Preservation and History committee, Odsar Tuva. Originally meant to be a hideaway cabin where she could study, now became a full bar overnight. Why? No reason, but it's certified by Illdyshire and everything?A simple passion project brought to you in an easy, relaxed place. No wild DJs, insane 10 mil gil giveaways, or "Hot sexy catgirls Looking for LOVE/Hot ass in my Adventurer Plate" here. Just good old-fashioned beer and liquor. VIP's get that outta here, you don't see that in your normal townie bar, right? If so, damn you're in a really nice place-Kegs 'n Cogs is inspired by Odsar's local dive bars in their hometown and tries to keep it as such. Get rowdy, get trashed, start a bar fight outside, who cares! Just for the love of the Twelve don't break any of the wall decor or you're replacing it, and it's not gonna be a cheap price!Kegs 'n Cogs is a Lore influenced venue with an RP focus! This means that we see the lore, build on the lore, exist in the lore but we don't force you to play by the lore rules! Consider it like this. You don't have to be all caught up and in character to hang in here. As long as your Gil/Allagan coin is legit or not, we're not the cops or have something to barter with, we can work with you! Of course the barter would have to be at least the same price. Makes sense.

Name: Odsar TuvaRole: Venue Owner, ManagerAge: 47 (June 3)Race: Roegadyn x Xaela Au RaPronouns: She/TheyBlurb: A Paladin with 33+ years under her belt now turned into a Historian and Preserver of Alexander due to a hip and knee break. She can come off as a dick at first but very quickly warms up and becomes the light of the party.Favorite Drink on the Menu:
Alcohol: Divine Judgement
Non-alcoholic: Cruise ChaserCarrd: violetmoon.crd.co
01. Looking to add to your quest logs? Perhaps looking to do a fetch quest or so to kill time? Perhaps look towards the posted wall for new jobs! It's not updated a ton, but adventurers are more than allowed to post their services here as well, for a small fee starting at ~5K gil per board. See Odsar for more details! Sponsorships will also be noted here, inquire for no fee! 02. Need something gathered or crafted? Odsar's family is known to be a handy set of Omni-crafters and will make about anything for the right price. Of course, they can't make everything, so ask and we'll see what we can do for you. 03. A rare treat not often seen in places like this is the option to control the music for once! An old treat from the very first venue, we'll provide a list of all the orchestrion rolls and you can control what 8 songs you want to hear. Although, a lofty price is included... 04. Looking to spice your night up a little? Take a peek at our in-home Gamba, "The Imperfect Legend"? Will you rise to its Irresistible Grace or be taken down to Limit Cut over and over again?
Amongst the bills for Hunts and Party recruitments lies varied photos and business cards of venues from around the Star, and even a spot to add your own if you'd want. Please refer to Odsar Tuva for sponsor inquiries!
A Well Loved Family Photo {Haukke Manor Painting}
A quiet home stands before you in the Lavender Beds, inside rests a cafe with a mother and her wife inside. Two barely 1 year old Miqote sons can be seen starting to toddle around. Welcome to Copied Iris, a fae cafe and lounge ran by Naja Malkot and her former YoRHa Type P No.2 wife Pandora. A relaxed upper floor perfect for dates and a chilly basement for drinks and performances galore, there's nothing lacking in charm here! With features from their in-home fawn Bard, Oretta Daimhin, formally known as Operator 6O, it's a cast of Automata and Feline to be seen! Please see them and the Fae soon! Other Wordly Bards {Fort Jobb Painting} A newly printed flyer advertising barding services has been pinned to the wall by a Sparrow hairpin. Pictured are two women, one redheaded with a lute, the other with blonde pigtails with fawn antlers with a harp. Led with a single line of text with their names and tomestone numbers. It's faintly smells like fresh lilies and a twang of rusted metal. "We'll play to the Star's content if you let us!"
List is in order of Default Orchestion List Ambients Not Included1 Hour: 2M 2 Hours: 4M 3 Hours: 6M Whole Night: 8M
For easier searching, we reccomend the 'find' tool available on all browsers!
Wailers and Waterwheels
Dance of the Fireflies
The Twin Faces of Fate - The Theme of Ul'dah
Another round
Frontiers Within
A New Home
Sultana Dreaming
To the Sun
The Waking Sands
Four-Sided Circle
Behind Closed Doors
Where the Heart is
Frontiers Within
Nobility Obliges
Nobility Sleeps
Night in the Brume
Piece of Mind
Thicker than a Knife's Blade
On High
What is Love?
The Hall of Flames
Pain in Pleasure
Full Fathom Five
Knowledge Never Sleeps
Neath Dark Waters
The Ludus
The Warrens
Down the Up Staircase
Another Brick
Ominous Prognisticks
Miser's Folly
Forgotten by the Sun
The Maiden's Lament
Dark Vows
Like a Summer Rain
Cracks in the Wall
In the Belly of the Beast
The Grand Cosmos
Wayward Daughter
Fallen Angel
To the Edge
With Hearts Aligned
The Final Day
Beyond Redemption
Six Fulms Under
Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son
Metal-Brute Justice Mode
Exponential Entropy
Protagonist's Theme
Background Story
Torn From The Heavens/The Dark Colossus Destroys All (Medley Version)
City Ruins (Rays of Light)
Weight of the World (Prelude Version)
The Sound of the End: 8bit
Alien Manifestation
End of the Unknown
Emil (Despair)
Kainé (Final Fantasy Main Theme Version)
In the Balance
Rythym of the Realm
Hic Svnt Leones
Dedicated to Moonlight
Forever Lost
Starlight and Sellswords
Agent of Inquiry
Steel Reason
Imperial Will
The Seventh Sun
Defender of the Realm
He Who Continues the Attack
Fragments of Forever
The Measure of His Reach
The Measure of Our Reach
Parting Ways
Cyan's Theme
Tomorrow and Tomorrow- Reprise
A Better Tomorrow
Eternal Wind (Shadowbringers)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Sacred Bonds
Dreams Aloft
Born to Ride
Gates of Paradise-The Garden of Ru'Hmet
Shuffle or Boogie (Shadowbringers)
On Our Fates Alight
New Foundations
The Land Reborn
Pom from the Heavens
Before the Storm-Caer Norvent
Mobius (Orchestral Version)
Unbending Steel
Blue Fields
He Rises Above
Ultima (The Primals)
The Black Wolf Stalks Again
Run! (Endwalker)
Myths of the Realm
White Stone Black
Forged in Crimson
A Long Fall
Ink Long Dry
A World Apart
Breaking Boundries
Job Board
Looking to get Work or Promote your needs to other Adventurers who come by? Perhaps needing an updated Hunt log, this is your stop!
Currently no Listings besides Sponsors, Feel free to inquire! RP ads and actual Ads are welcome!
Kegs 'n Cogs's Imperfect Legends!